Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Are We Eating?

I saw this today and was surprised by a few things. Mainly the fact that we still eat more red meat than poultry! For some reason, that blew me away...but I guess hamburgers are still probably the most popular fast food item. Being a vegetarian, I was happy to see the amount of veggies and fruits consumed. That's the good stuff!! What do you think about this? Does anything surprise you?



  1. wow, this is a really cool little diagram! i am surprised we consume as much dairy as we do...for some reason i was thinking it'd be lower?

  2. I'm actually surprised (how pessimistic of me) by the reasonably high ranking of fruits and veggies. I really would've guessed the average American was way worse on that front...(or maybe it's just us vegetarians balancing the meat-eaters out)

  3. I love this diagram!!! So cute and full of great info!

    OMG Nicole the story about you and the M&M's cracked me up! Too funny! Best story ever! Love ya girl! xoxo Hope you have a great night!

  4. OMG, dairy consumption is off the charts!! Yikes.

    I'm currently reading Food Matters. Its a great book and I totally recommend it. Thanks for checking out my blog, nice to 'meet' you :)

  5. Just eyeballing it, it seems that about half of all foods consumed are from animal products...makes me a little sad! At least people getting more aware about buying organic!
