Saturday, July 31, 2010

Food Baby in the House

I'm going to pretend like I am writing this last night before I passed out after my, Good Evening, my friends!!

After all this breakfast talk, I did start off yesterday with a big bowl of oatmeal. I had a couple of these High Fiber packets of oatmeal that needed to be used up so I mixed that with some protein powder and fruit. Delish!!

packet of oatmeal
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 Tbsp dried cranberries
1/2 banana

Sooooo Good! This morning got off to a good start!

However, once lunch time rolled around...since I didn't bring my own, I was in trouble. I decided to check out this place about a block from my office called Freshii. It's almost in the lobby of an Equinox gym, but I'm not sure if the two are connected. You can build your own burrito, wrap, bowl or salad. I decided to get a bowl with brown rice, tofu, tomatoes, carrots, corn, red onion, black beans & low-fat ranch as the dressing.

I went back to my desk and ate until I was full...good girl. But then for the rest of the day, I kept taking another bite, and another bite...and another bite! Until it was gone! And by that point my stomach was bursting! I have no idea why I kept eating it except that work was slow and I was bored. No-goodo.

By the time I remembered to take a picture, that is all that was left...and as you can see, that is no small container! To top it off, I also finished these babies off as the day moved on...

I know there are worse things in the world than some yogurt covered pretzels...but not when you are already stuffed! I was very disappointed in myself, to say the least!

When I got home, I threw on my workout clothes (after watching an episode of Bethenny Getting Married on the DVR - this woman so intrigues me!) and rocked my Sweat 3-4 video. It seriously kicked my butt! I hate to be a quitter, but I may have bitten off more than I can chew by moving up to the next phase already. Don't get me wrong, I can do the video all the way through, but when it's done? I'm absolutely exhausted! Like, pass-out-on-the-couch-at-9:30pm exhausted! Gah!

Here was me after...yeah, I know, I'm obsessed with sweaty pictures!

After the workout I still wasn't hungry because that lunch gave me an all day food baby, but I did mix up a Shakeology with some peanut butter and call it good!

I think I picked out the recipes I'm going to attempt this weekend and can't wait to show you on Monday! Have a lovely weekend!!!

Food For Thought: Do you ever eat when you are bored? How do you stop yourself? Do you graze and graze and don't realize it until it's too late? What are your bad food habits?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What's Your Workout?

Why, hello there! I've missed you!

I was feeling under the weather yesterday and only went into work for a 1/2 day. I didn't work my biz at all AND I didn't do a blog post. It was an all-around-no-good-day! Last night, in order to try to rouse myself to some degree I did head over to a friend's house to watch Book of Eli. Have you seen it? What did you think? I thought it was pretty good, I just wish there had been a little more insight into how the world got the way it was. It was kind of like the first 30 minutes of the movie were missing, ya know?

Anywho, today was back to (mostly) normal! My stomach seemed to be a little touchy so I didn't really eat anything noteworthy. I will try to spice it up for ya tomorrow!

Which, speaking of, I've been sort of pondering a way to bring a little structure to this here blog and came up with an idea that I'm pretty excited about! I may have mentioned that I'm a disaster on the stovetop. Cooking freaks me out and I'm not good at it. Recently, a few decent friends have been "supervising" me while I cook and I'm finding it slightly less daunting than normal. I think I may be ready to strike out on my own! So, I was thinking of devoting a day a week to trying a new recipe...and what better way to keep it all in the blog family, but to use one of YOURS! Everyone always makes delicious meals that I want to try, so why not? You'd get all the credit, of course! So, if you have any good starter ideas, shoot 'em at me!

And speaking of food...I just learned something really awesome today. Have I mentioned I'm a vegetarian (for about 4 years) and that I'm about 85-90% dairy-free? It is something that is really important to me, although don't freak out...I'm not preachy about it and I won't give you carnivores a hard time ;) Well, today I was on a Beach Body live webinar with Tony Horton (love this guy! Seriously! And yes, he's really that silly!)...

Bring It!

...and he's talking all about how important being fit is to him and how as he gets older he keeps finding ways to improve it. He totally shocked the heck out of me when he then told us that he is currently doing a VEGAN cleanse and he's on Day 40! First off, this is awesome cuz have you seen this man's body? I know some vegans who think they can't be toned and athletic...well, consider that argument out the window! Second, Tony isn't just doing regular workouts right now, but is currently creating and filming the P90X One on One videos! So, it's not like he's doing this cleanse while taking some sort of fitness! He's working it out like never before. I think he is my hero...

Okay, maybe he's a little more than my hero...I think there might be a little crushin' going on over here! And on that note, I vow not to bring up the business anymore this week because that really isn't want this blog is about. There has just been a lot going on with it lately and I can't help but spread the awesome news.

Now, what's your workout? I started as a runner. I ran in high school. I ran in college. I've trained for half marathons and marathons. There have been periods where I've been the girl who spent every night in the gym lifting. And now I'm a girl that appreciates getting to sweat my butt off in the privacy of my own living room! Besides good ol' Billy Blanks, I've never really put much into workout DVDs. Until now, that is. I'm totally loving that as soon as the urge hits me, I can get up and go. And the shower is only 10 feet away when I'm done!

What type of workout do you prefer? Why? Do you like working out with a room full of people? A partner? Perhaps your sweet little bun?

Do you enjoy the privacy of your own home or a less traveled running path? What motivates you to get out there and Bring It?

I really enjoyed hearing all your opinions about breakfast. I think what I need to do is make sure I'm fueling up in the morning, but keep it light if I'm not feeling all that hungry. A piece of fruit...a soy yogurt...some Cap'n Crunch...You know, the good stuff :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are You a Breakfast Eater?

Why, hello there!

After reading all your blogs about the millions of great ways to make oatmeal and seeing all the delicious pictures, I decided this morning I was going to make it! And make it I did...

It was very simple. Threw in some ground flax seeds, lots of cinnamon, some Splenda (shoot me!) and then a big ol' glop of peanut butter! Very, very yummers. However, after consuming this bowl of yum, I noticed that my belly was feeling a bit stuffed. See, usually I just grab a mocha at my local coffee shop and head to work. Every now and then I'll have a bowl of cereal or something, but my oatmeal is usually saved for a "later in the day" type of meal.

After bringing up Intuitive Eating yesterday, this got me to thinking. Did I eat it just because they say you should never skip breakfast? Even though I'm usually not hungry in the morning? Should I or should I not be eating it if I'm not hungry? I think this is one of those topics in the health world that will forever be up for debate. So, do YOU eat breakfast? Do YOU believe it is the most important meal of the day? Should you eat it even if you don't feel like it? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I packed the rest of my food for the day and it looked something like this:

a simple wrap with hummus & veggies


Then later this afternoon I broke out the good stuff:

Love summer fruit!! I left work and headed home knowing I'd probably have to eat before my workout. Decided to give myself a mini carb load with some pasta. I threw in some shredded soy cheese, hoping it would make it a little creamy, but it just stuck to the bottom of the pan! Lesson learned!

whole wheat pasta w/ pesto & grape tomatoes

Saved half for lunch tomorrow...can't wait! I should confess...there was a little of this going on while I was waiting for the water to boil...

Oops! But, I made up for my little indiscretion by moving up into the Phase 2 set of my workout video! Talk about a butt kicking! It was all the same routines as Phase 1, just faster and with an extra circuit of each set of moves. Holy sweat-fest! Oh, but it felt good!!!! Don't you just love when you push yourself for all you've got, nothing left on the floor except a puddle and a smile! Loved it!

I wasn't kidding!

Well, I think that's all I've got for ya today! The shower is calling my name...

Wait! Before you go...check out these two awesome giveaways today:

With a Side of Sneakers
is giving away a chocoholic's dream!

Running Diva Mom is giving away some awesome running socks!

Hop over there and leave a comment!! See you kiddos tomorrow!

Breaking News!!

As I've kinda, sorta mentioned on here, I'm a coach for Beach Body. Well, I was on our National Call this morning (okay, it was the recorded one from yesterday, but I can't get on live because it's during my regular work hours!) and they made a HUGE announcement! They are starting a new program to encourage people to buy their fitness programs from a coach! Not only is it awesome that this company supports us coaches by giving us tools, training & inspiration every day, but now they are actually encouraging people to by from us rather than directly from their infomercials! That truly means a lot to me and shows me exactly what kind of company this is!

It is called the Buy From a Coach Advantage Program and it is kicking off with Insanity. So, when you buy Insanity from a coach right now, you get a BONUS workout from Shaun T. called Fast & Furious. Talk about awesome!

Now, tell me you aren't ready to let THAT kick your butt all over the place!! So, if you are ready to try Insanity AND get an awesome BONUS workout, click here! Just hit "Shop Team Beach Body" and you are good to go! If you know anyone who has been thinking about buying Insanity and doesn't already have a coach, pass the link on!!

Oh yeah, they said they will be rolling this out with more programs I'll keep you posted if Insanity isn't for you!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cleanse - Day 3...Finally!


I have to say, if I never drink one of those shakes again, I can live with that! Three a day was brutal! Now, I have no problem eating the same thing everyday, (oh, I've been known to stick with things I like for weeks on end!) but those shakes are not it! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind having one a day...actually, that chocolate one would be great for killing a sweet tooth craving and was delicious blended up with my iced mocha. However, I'm happy to say that the days of 3 a day are over and I don't have to have another one until I'm feeling like it!!

What did I get out of the cleanse? Well, on Day One I got cleaned out, that is for sure :) After that, not so much. While I did feel a little sluggish during my workouts, overall I felt pretty energized throughout the day despite the drop in calories. I can't say I felt like any weight loss occured, but that could also be due to my cheating every day! I never said I was good at following rules!

Here was the highlight of my day, real food!

I had forgotten that I had agreed to stay late at work and knew I would never make it until I got home to eat my one real meal of the day. So, I ran to Corner Bakery and got the Salad Trio: Edamame Salad, Caprese Pasta Salad and Fruit Salad. The pasta probably was not allowed on the Cleanse, but that portion was so small that I didn't feel guilty in the least! As a matter of fact, the whole thing was only 350 calories and it managed to cover multiple food groups!

Jumping to another subject: Christie over at Honoring Health wrote a great piece today on Intuitive Eating. This is what I'm striving for, but I'll admit that I still catch myself adding calories in my head at the end of the day. Or making decisions because it is the right one, not the one that comes naturally. It is going to be a long road for eating to become second nature again, but I believe I can get there. I appreciate those that ready this blog and help me hold myself accountable for the promise I've made myself. Anyway - pop over there and check out what she's very insightful!

I think today is going to be the first day I miss a scheduled Power 90 workout. After getting home so late, I just don't have it in me. I will make it up tomorrow since it was supposed to be my rest day and get right back on track. I have to keep truckin' so I can reach the goal I really want:

Oh yeah, baby...that's what I'm talkin' about!

On that dreamy note...I'm out!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cleanse - Day 2

Good Evening!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day here in Chicago. Low humidity, temps in the low 80s, nice breeze...just perfect! What is there to do on a perfect day in this great city, you ask? Well, run errands, of course!

Seriously, I had to run errands. I left my bike over at my friend's house last week so I set out on foot...which was fine by me because it gave me more sun time. If you watched my video, you know that I need as much sun time as I can get! While I was walking to the Whole Foods (an almost 2 mile trek) I was deep in thought about something and suddenly snapped out of it and realized I had walked several blocks that I didn't recall and even had turned at the right block that I needed to, but without remembering any of it. Have you ever done that before? I remember doing that while driving sometimes...suddenly you realize that you don't remember the last few miles! At least I was "there" enough to stay on the right track!

After the store, I detoured to say hi to a friend and ended up staying WAY longer than I had intended, thus totally messing up the cleanse eating plan. Don't worry, I didn't eat anything bad...I just didn't eat at all! :( Here's how the day went down:

Woke up at 7am, did a few things around the house, laid back down for a "few minutes"...woke up at 10am :)

So, Shake numero uno was at 10am...and I mixed it with the mocha again. So shoot me! It was soooooo good!!

By 11am, I had set out on my errand trip. Around 3pm (still at my friend's house) I was hungry and ate some of the strawberries and blueberries I'd gotten at Whole Foods. I'm allowed a fruit snack so it fit right in.

I finally got home (after a stop at the PetSmart) around 5:30pm. Well, by that time, I didn't think I could still fit in 2 shakes AND dinner. So, I opted to skip the 2nd shake and go right to dinner.

Yeah, that's right...I had a SALAD! I should let you in on a little secret: I'm really not a salad person. When I first became a vegetarian, everyone would always say, "well, you can at least eat the salad, right?"...used to drive me crazy! So, I sorta decided to boycott salad. I truly, rarely eat one. But, since it is part of the Cleanse, I gave in. It was just a salad mix with tomato, cucumber & topped with Gardein chicken nuggets that I chopped up. I used Annie's Lite Honey Mustard Vinaigrette for the dressing. It was okay. Doable for a day :)

After my workout a blended up the Greenberry Shake with a banana and orange extract. Still getting used to the taste of that is a beautiful shot of the lovely green sludge:

Eerily similar to last night's photo, no? Even bunny is sitting in the same spot eating. Creepy.

Okay, kiddies, I hope you enjoyed your weekend and have a lovely night's rest before a new week begins! Tomorrow I'll update the last day of the cleanse and then I have some recipes I want to try later in the week! See ya tomorrow!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cleanse - Day 1

So, I wasn't perfect and made some adaptations to the cleanse...but overall, I think I got the basics and that is what counts!! Here is how the day went down:

Chocolate Shake for breakfast - okay, I threw it in the blender with my iced mocha from the coffee shop :) Hey, it was absolutely delicious and I don't regret my decision!

Greenberry Shake for lunch - See, because I had the mocha I didn't have the morning snack! I threw a banana and some orange extract into the shake and that made it much better than my first attempt with that flavor.

Before my workout, I had a few sips of a smoothie I had made last night and didn't finish.

For dinner, I had Gardein chicken nuggets and some spicy sweet potato fries with some Annie's honey mustard for dipping. Yes, once again it was a little cheat. That was definitely not a salad! But, in my defense, the weather here was questionable and since I don't have a car, venturing to the grocery store was sort of out of the question. I made due with what I had.

At about 9pm, I made my last shake (Chocolate again w/ just a splash of almond extract). I managed to catch a picture of it before I downed the whole thing:

Please excuse all the crap in the background...this is the only room the bunny is allowed in so it is filled with stuff to keep her busy. Although, if you look closely at the corners of the walls, obviously not busy enough!

I can't say I noticed any changes or anything today because of the cleanse. Definitely had some quality bathroom time (TMI! Sorry!) after the second shake and I'll take that as a positive. I did feel like it was a little harder to reach the usual level of exertion and that might be due to the lower amount of calories consumed. Overall, I'd say the first day was fairly successful. I guess I could have waited until I was properly equipped with salad ingredients before starting, but ehhh...whatevs. Day 2 tomorrow. Yahoo!

First Attempt at Video Blogging

Here is my first attempt at making a video blog...please excuse the hair, I'm getting ready to hit my cardio! I never realized how often I make crazy facial expressions...everyone should take a video of themselves talking, it's crazy to see what you look like! Here you go:

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Real Value Meal

Good Evening!!

I hope everyone is doing well on this hot and humid day. Here in Chicago, after having the heat index go into the 100's, we are now having thunderstorms. You can only imagine how much more pleasant that makes it outside. Let's just say that I'm glad I just got a fresh stock of DVDs in the mail the other day!

This morning I started the day with my usual mocha from a local coffee shop in my neighborhood. I just can't break the habit! Actually, tomorrow I will have to because I'm starting the Shakeology 3-day cleanse and unfortunately, there is no coffee on the menu :( Now, that mocha every morning costs me a pretty penny, but this morning I went the extra mile. I ordered my favorite sandwich from them too to take with me to work. See, the sandwich is HUGE!

Now, that is a serious footlong! I always get the Mozzarella Sandwich which has fresh mozzarella, tomatoes and fresh basil. The only thing I don't like about it is that the spread they use is guacamole. It just doesn't go right with the other flavors. Usually, I ask them to throw on some lite mayo instead, but this morning I forgot.

Oh yes, lots of guac! I ended up tossing the side of the bread that had the spread on it. The reason this is such a "value meal" is that I usually eat one half of the sandwich for lunch and the other for dinner. Plus, it comes with a side that can be chips or a piece of fruit. This morning, I grabbed a banana so that served as breakfast! 3 meals for the day in one quick stop!

Work was slow and boring...which sort of put me in the lazy rut when I got home. I put off my workout as long as I could and then finally kicked my own butt and got it done! No workout has been skipped yet, and it is too early to let that record slide!

Overall, the day was pretty uneventful! I saw some yummy recipes out in the blogosphere this week that I really want to try, but it will have to wait until after the cleanse. For now, I'm just kickin' my feet up!

And please don't judge those little pieces of hay on the floor...the bunny makes a mess of the place and I can't keep up!

Have a very lovely evening and let me know what your favorite place to meal splurge is!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another busy night, Another lame post

Hello there, Party People!

I had another team call's still going as a matter of fact...and it's getting late so I'm afraid this post will have to be brief. I need to get my beauty sleep! I've been sleeping on the couch lately and that is not a good thing. Tonight will have to be back in my bed and at a decent hour!

A couple benchmarks tonight during my workout: First and foremost, I did all 100 reps in the ab workout!!! There is no turning back from here. It will be 100 reps from here on out.

Second, I had some trouble getting through the whole section of arm raises in the workout. I know, that sounds crazy...arm raises? Yes, arm raises! Doing them for 3 straight minutes is not easy! But tonight...I did it! So again, there is no going back to the 5 second rest. All 3 minutes is the only thing that will be acceptable. What a great workout...and I was sweating like nobody's business!

And on that note, I'm putting an end to this lame post. I did however see this article and I thought this was interesting. One of the main reasons that I wanted to discuss it is because sometimes I'm doing everything right and yet the scale won't budge. Nothing is more frustrating and down right depressing than following the rules and getting no results. So, without further ado, I present:

Why You Can't Lose Those Last 10 Pounds

Good night, my dears!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Men vs. Women

How is everyone this lovely summer evening? I got home tonight, worked out, showered, hopped on my coach call and now I'm finally getting to the blog!

I'd like to just throw out there from the get-go that I had a teeth cleaning today and ever since, I've been randomly chomping down on that nasty toothpaste grit! It is driving me nuts!

I did actually remember to take a picture of two meals today, but to be honest with ya folks, I'm too tired to download them right now. Is that lazy or what?! Anywho, I ate pretty darn clean today! The only real thorn in my side at this point is my morning mocha. They say caffeine is the second most addictive substance and I ain't arguing with them!

I'll give you guys another dose of honesty even! I tried the Greenberry Shakelolgy for the first time this morning and it was not a pleasant experience! Yes, I am dogging out the very product I sell. My coach would kill me if she saw this. Seriously though, the green tea flavor was very strong and I am not a tea fan in the least. I put half a banana in and still could only get down a few gulps. I threw it in the fridge to be dealt with later and can happily say that tonight I tossed in the other half of the nanner and it was much better, especially being colder from the fridge. Experimentation with Greenberry "recipes" will be forthcoming ;)

My workout was great, except I'm seriously still not seeing any improvement on my pushups! I don't feel like I can do anymore today than the day I started. That's just not fair!

Today's little topic: Men vs. Women. I'm talking about weight loss here. I'd say 99% of the weight loss blogs out there are written by women and I obviously have my own weight loss experience to go by, as well. The trend I'm noticing is that men seem to drop weight at a ridiculous rate while us women struggle to eek out half a pound! I'm currently participating in a message board of people who all started Power 90 around the same time I did. We post everyday and encourage each other, it's actually really inspiring and great for holding me accountable. The group is probably about 60% men and 40% women. We are all now starting our 3rd week on the program and the guys have dropped like 4 to 5 pounds a week each! The women on the other hand have lost less than half that!

Furthermore, I have a male friend who I've seen drop weight at a rate of about 3-4 pounds per week, while I might lose nothing for a couple weeks! Anyone notice this same trend? Why do guys get to have it so easy? ;) They get faster metabolisms, easier muscle growth and now this too?...wait...I think I may have just answered the "why" right there. Dang it! So, anyway, the guys in my message board keep me inspired and at least dreaming that I might catch up!

And now, I must get off to bed. The tummy feels like it is on the verge of a growl...that can't be good.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To Weigh or not to Weigh?

First off, it is check-in day over at the HYC, so head on over to check in or just to get a little inspiration!

I really tried to remember pictures today, but I failed miserably! I see this is going to be way harder than I thought. Luckily, I did remember to take pictures of my lunch:

Okay! So, it was AFTER I ate it...whatever. It was a picture, dang it! I always get a veggie sammich at Subway with just about every veggie they have available and the lite mayo. I'll admit, I got two chocolate chip cookies with it rather than some decent chips. My only excuse is that I had to make it last until I got home at 8pm so I tried to get as much (unhealthy) bang for my buck as I could.

Now, as for the title of my post: Do you weigh yourself everyday? Every week? Never? I used to do it almost daily...unless of course I knew I wasn't being good. Then, I wouldn't go near it for fear of what it would say. This time around, I've decided to bury it in the back of my closet until I'm at Day 30, 60 and 90. I know that people who weigh themselves regularly lose more weight and keep it off better than those who don't, but I have a this problem where I start to really slack off when I see the weight coming off. That is totally backwards, right?! You would think it would motivate me to push even harder...instead, I see it as excuse to have those 2 cookies at lunch ;)

My question for you is, how often do you weight yourself? Is it helpful or does it leave you with a bad taste in your mouth? Let me know!

Monday, July 19, 2010


No! Seriously, everyday I vow that I'm going to remember to take pictures throughout the day to put on the blog and yet here I sit, no pictures. Gah! Words it is!

First off, I just need to get an incident from this morning that left me a little unsettled off my chest. I'm walking to the bus, like I do every morning, and this kid flies by me on his bike. He couldn't have been more than 10 years old. No biggie, right? Except I could SWEAR this kid was wearing cologne! Really? Cologne? At 10?! Very disturbing...or creepy.

I'll be honest and tell you that today's nutrition did not start off on the right foot. No breakfast. Medium Mocha. And then 1/3 of a bag of the snack size Cheetos jumped out of my desk drawer and made me eat them. I didn't want to, I swear!

I managed to redeem myself as the day went on with healthy choices that included my usual post-workout smoothie and my yummy Thai Cucumber Salad.

Finished Week 2 of Power 90 today! So, I'm 13 days into 90...yikes. That doesn't sound nearly as good! At least I can take comfort in tomorrow being a rest day...not to mention that I was only 5 reps away from hitting all 100 ab reps today! I think next time I will hit it for sure! That will be my first real benchmark. If I could only just get those push ups figured out!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I decided to up the weight on some of the exercises today and boy did I feel it!! Shoulders - on fire! Triceps - can't even feel 'em! I cannot wait for the 30 day mark so I can take measurements and see what is changing! For some reason in my workout today (mind you it was the weight lifting one, not the cardio) I was dripping sweat! It was crazy!! I was hoping to get away without a shower tonight, but I guess that option is off the table...


On a different note, the temps are still ridiculous today! We had a brief thunderstorm early this afternoon so now the humidity is off the charts. Needless to say, I've been indoors nearly all day...actually, I don't think the walk to the coffee shop around the corner even counts, does it? I really need to get to Target today to buy some heavier hand weights and to the pet store for some hay for this little lady:

But I just don't see that happening right now! Maybe when the sun goes down.

I've eaten pretty well today, although it's not over yet! I just made myself a post-workout smoothie since I just ordered Shakeology and need to use up my smoothie ingredients. I'm all out of spinach (I usually throw a handful in) so it was all fruit today...banana, strawberries & mango. I scoop of protein power rounded it out. Yummy!

I guess I should head to the shower...hope everyone had a great weekend!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 11

90 days sure does seem far off at this point! Yikes!!

Somehow, my morning got away from me. I didn't even sleep that late, but after net surfing, blog stalking and a little TV watching, it was suddenly 1pm! No big deal except that I had to get a workout in and shower before 2:30 because I have an appointment!

The good news is that rather than putting it off until after the appointment (don't think that didn't cross my mind!), I sweated my butt off with my Sweat 1-2. On cardio day you also have to do Ab Ripper 100 which is 10 reps of 10 different ab exercises. 10x10=100. Doesn't sound so bad, does it? I think I only maybe got in 65 reps my first try. In the week and a half I've been doing this, I think I'm not only about 10-12 reps away from knocking the entire thing out! That will be a huge accomplishment for me!

Gotta cut this short because I have that darn appointment to get to! Have a great Saturday!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Power 90

That's right, I'm doing Power 90. Is that P90X, you ask? No, no it's not. P90X would probably have my in traction at this point! Power 90 is the workout by Tony Horton that comes BEFORE P90X. I'll admit, with only 1 cardio routine and 1 sculpt routine (for one phase, a second set for another) it will get boring fast. Okay, it's already boring and I'm only on Day 10! That is okay though because in just 10 days, I already feel myself getting stronger! And this is only the first phase. Day one had me gasping for air and not being able to finish some I can almost do it all.

I took my weight, body fat % and measurements before I started. I then hid the scale in the back of the closet! I always, ALWAYS start to slack off when I see the pounds coming off. Therefore, I've vowed to only check in at the 30, 60 and 90 day marks. Just 20 days to go before I get to see my progress!

Today was not too pretty from a nutrition standpoint. I met a friend for lunch and did my best to make a healthy choice, but then completely threw in the towel when I got home and ordered take-out! Grrrr! I almost plowed through all of it before I got a hold of myself and put the rest away. It was close to being a true disaster! Now, I'm sitting waiting for the bloated belly to go down before I do my workout. Not exactly the best end to the week!

Lesson learned! :)