Thursday, May 21, 2009


So, last night me and HKF (Health Kick Friend) went to the grocery store to stock up on all our healthy food. I got carried away in the fruit section...I love summer fruit! And after I managed to drag myself away with only apples, bananas & strawberries, I got sacked at the checkout by a stand of cherries...yummy! I tried to stay out of the frozen food aisle, as this is primarily where I get most of my food :) What killed me though was the bill! I'm guessing that I only got enough food to last a week and it was almost double what I usually pay! Yikes! Oh well, no one said being healthy was affordable!

Once I got home, I was so excited about the fruit that all I ate for dinner was a bowl of cherries and strawberries :) It was so worth it though. I brough lots of good stuff to munch throughout the day and I will try to actually cook something tonight...scary thought.

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