Thursday, May 28, 2009

And so it begins...

I splurged! Just when I was saying that I couldn't let it happen, I did! My friend picked me up from work and when we were almost home, he asked if I wanted to go shoot some pool with him because his league starts today and he wanted to practice. Of course, I was like sure! I figured it would be like an hour or two...but really it turned into 4 hours! No alcoholic beverages were consumed, but I did eat half of a small pizza :) Okay, and then another quarter once I got home! Dang it!!!

But to make up for it, I have packed a healthy lunch today so I should be all set! I will not let this ONE splurge turn into a downfall!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weigh In Wednesday

Down 1.2 lbs since last week! I've actually managed to sit tight and not splurge all through a 3-day holiday weekend! Amazing! I know it is going to be slow and I know it is going to get harder. Her is the usual break down for me:

Week 1: Total success, moderate weight loss, carry lots of motivation into Week 2 due to loss and how "easy" it seemed to eat all this healthy food.

Week 2: Start to get cravings for the old stuff, but can usually fight it because I'm still pumped about dropping a pound or two and the scale is still moving in the right direction. Getting a little harder though.

Week 3: Finally give in to a temptation because "I deserve it" due to being so good for a couple weeks...and next thing you know, one becomes five and I'm complete off the plan.

That all being said, here I am starting Week 2...and feeling good. I know this week will go well, its next week I'm worried about! At least I see it coming and I just have to hold strong!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Still on Track!

I was off yesterday (because I'm at work today :( Poo!), but I managed to get a ton of walking in and because I stayed busy all day (saw the Star Trek movie and it was great!), I didn't even have to worry about eating too much. Now that my place is stocked with all this good food, I can just go grab whatever when I'm hungry and that is really the approach I'm looking for. I don't want to be a hard-core calorie counter because I've been there, done that and its not really all that healthy either. But I also don't want to just eat whatever, whenever. By keeping the house filled with fresh, healthy items, I can pick out anything when I get hungry without having to get out the calculator. That all being said, I did allow myself a handful of popcorn at the movie theater :)

So, I'm feeling really good about yesterday! And so far, today is going right too! Let's just hope we see a pay-off on Wednesday when I have my weigh in!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So, last night me and HKF (Health Kick Friend) went to the grocery store to stock up on all our healthy food. I got carried away in the fruit section...I love summer fruit! And after I managed to drag myself away with only apples, bananas & strawberries, I got sacked at the checkout by a stand of cherries...yummy! I tried to stay out of the frozen food aisle, as this is primarily where I get most of my food :) What killed me though was the bill! I'm guessing that I only got enough food to last a week and it was almost double what I usually pay! Yikes! Oh well, no one said being healthy was affordable!

Once I got home, I was so excited about the fruit that all I ate for dinner was a bowl of cherries and strawberries :) It was so worth it though. I brough lots of good stuff to munch throughout the day and I will try to actually cook something tonight...scary thought.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Two posts in one day...this is unheard of! I was just looking for some healthy recipes so I could pick up the stuff at the store tonight when various goals for the rest of the week began floating though my here I am to put them in stone!

1) Blog every day! Even if I write one sentence to say I have nothing to write!

2) Drink my water!!!! I keep managing to go though one 32 oz bottle, but I never manage to get it refilled!

3) More fruit & veggies...less bready carbs. Being a vegetarian can sometimes make it way easy to splurge on empty calories!

There! Those will be my goals for the next 7 days!

Weigh In Wednesday

Today is the final weigh in for the Shrink into Summer challenge over at the Sisterhood...well, the good news is I'm down another pound! The bad news is that makes it barely over 2 pounds lost total for the 7 weeks since I agreed to be a part of the challenge. That's not really success. In fact, it may just be a fluke and I might be back to square one next week. Hmph!

I just got done dog-sitting for 5 days for the craziest (but most lovable) Staffy ever. He had more energy in his right leg than I had all damn week! It was really good for me though. I was never up later than 6:30am because I had to get up to walk him and then get to my house and get ready to be on time for work. We'd take about a mile walk in the morning and a mile walk in the evening. I know a mile isn't far, but its farther than I've gone in awhile! I was constantly shuttling between my place and his so I wasn't eating mindlessly because, well, there was no time!

Even better is that when my friend got back from his trip, he seemed to catch the LA bug and now is on a health kick. Can't hurt to ride the coat tails, right? I'm going to join him on his kick, though since he is on hiatus from work right now, he's planning to do two-a-days. That will not be on my agenda, I can tell ya that right now! This will be good for me. And hopefully, I'll finally get off these last 10 lbs or so!

Here is the man I've spent the past week with :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So...I've learned a little something else about myself since I've been packing a lunch all week: I think about food a whole lot less when I know its already predetermined. When I don't bring anything to work, the first sign of hunger has me thinking about what I can go pick up. Then at 11am I start thinking about where I want to go for lunch. This usually gets pondered for anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours, depending on my schedule. Come 4pm or so, I'm usually hungry for a snack again and start thinking about vending machine crap or something!

But this week, I've noticed I barely think about food through out the day. I get hungry, I reach into my desk and pull out whatever I've brought. Simple. And healthy. And doesn't leave me with food on the brain for half the day. I tell ya, I'm really liking this little turn around I'm making :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I finally had what I really feel was a successful day...hopefully this will be the first of many to come! I only ate what I packed and brought to lunch yesterday...okay and one lemon drop that a co-worker brought back from Italy :) Since I didn't buy any junk this weekend, when I got home last night, I made my dinner and that was it. I really think going to bed earlier is helping also. It leaves less time to a) get hungry again and b) get bored and start snacking.

My friend is going out of town for about 5 days and I said I'd watch his dog. The catch here is that my bunny and his dog are not likely to be friends...thus I will have to keep running back and forth between our houses to care for both animals. At first I was like, no problem! We only live a mile apart! I can do this! But now that it starts tomorrow, I'm starting to have some doubts about how I'm going to shower both animals with enough attention! The good part of this is that because we only live a mile apart, I could definitely get some exercise by walking (maybe even running!) between our places. I have a feeling this is going to get very complicated though!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Packing a Lunch

I got up this morning and was so excited to actually pack my lunch for the first time in WEEKS! Yes, I've been eating out (Subway most days) for lunch every day and many times for dinner too! That's what happens when you are too lazy to get your tush to the grocery store. This weekend I made it though and the lunch was packed. Banana for morning snack, Lean Cuisine (hey, that's how I roll!) for lunch with a little side of broccoli and a granola bar for afternoon snack. I ate my lunch an hour ago and I'm still STUFFED!

Over at the Sisterhood they are doing the 30-day shred again and this time, I'm gonna make it to the end! I did the Breast Cancer Network of Strength Walk to Empower yesterday and I was disgusted with how tired just walking 3 miles made me! It was a shame! A year ago I was running over 10 miles at this time! It was an excellent wake up call though and the Shred challenge couldn't come at a better time. It's on!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

What a week!

I think I've done a pretty good job on my portion control and sugar consumption this week. I fought the craving several time, but I'll admit today I shoved a donut in my face before I even realized what was happening! I've been "practicing" getting up earlier in an attempt to prepare for summer morning runs & walks. Usually this meant that I got up and brushed my teeth and went and laid down on the couch...I mean, I got up, right?! A couple times I got up and threw on sweats and walked the 1/4 mile to the Starbucks. This was actually nice given the great weather we've had this week!

I recently started making greeting cards and with Mother's Day right around the corner, I've spent every evening filling's been crazy! I'm glad that it gave me so much business, but I'm also glad that I'll have evenings to myself again! And on that note, a couple of friends and I decided to take the plunge and actually open a "store" on Etsy with our crafts. I'm making greeting cards, my girl Adreon is making jewelry and my girl Sonja is making nursing bracelets. Hopefully, we'll turn this into something really good! The store is filling very slowly, so there isn't much to see right now, but check it out anyway! =P

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I have to work today...actually, I'm at work right now. And that meant waking up early on a beautiful Saturday morning. Ew. So, I kicked off the day right with a nice little walk to the local Starbucks. It was a gorgeous morning for a walk, the sun was shining, a crisp little chill in the air...just perfect!

As I was walking, all the runners were out and jetting past me. It made me want to just start right on up! And it also got me thinking...why do I always need an event to get me to start running? Now, I absolutely think training for something is a great way to find motivation to get started, but it's also a great way to quit as soon as the event is accomplished. And this, my friends, is my M.O. So, I was walking and thinking and decided screw that half marathon! My goal is to become a year-round runner, right? So why even set myself up to "finish" training and take the chance that I'll quit after that? After all, that is what I've done for the past 3 years! No, I'm going to just run because it is good for me! If I can knock out 3 miles, 4 days a week, I'll be a happy lady! And then I can set goals from there.

That was my beautiful sunny morning wake up call!