Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Weight In Wednesday

It's Weigh In Wednesday over at the Sisterhood so here goes! Fyi - I didn't weigh myself last week since I was on my deathbed, therefore I only have the horrifying number from 2 weeks ago to compare to.

I can't believe I'm going to post this in public...remember that number that scared the bejesus out of me when I finally got on the scale? Well, it was 147.4! I haven't been that close to 150 in I don't know how long! I tend to hover around 140, not 150...needless to say, it was a wake up call!

Today's weight: 145.2

Yay!!!! Progress! Down 2.2 in 2 weeks. I'll take it!


  1. Nicole! You're doing a great job! Way to go on your loss!

  2. congrats! :) especially as small as you are, you can't complain about a pound a week! :D

  3. Congrats on your loss!! Keep up the good work!
